Should Smokers Pay More for Health Insurance?

Health insurance has become a hot topic in the United States. In a nation where around 46 million people do not have health insurance, any discussion related to the matter sparks up the interest of the mass. The public voiced their opinion through a survey that was carried out recently. As the survey reveals, most Americans believe smokers and obese people should pay higher health insurance premiums. However, there is currently no solution for the fact that a lot of people are still devoid of a proper medical insurance plan.
Over 1,500 individuals were surveyed for this study. 80% of the 1,500 individuals are not happy with the way the healthcare system works in the United States, and they believe the system needs to be fixed. With the current estimation, approximately 46 million Americans are still living without insurance because of the faulty healthcare system. While the 60% of the surveyed people agreed that smokers should pay higher premiums, 30% opined the same for obese people. 

The report also stated that as far as personal responsibility is concerned, people should be aware of the choices they make. Consumers also support the act of making people pay for their unhealthy behaviour. Increasing insurance premiums may be one of the ways, and this may also be applicable for health insurance for employees.

This is a real bad news for the cigarette lovers! While on one hand, this may anger the huge population of smokers, on the other, it is also expected to lower the number of smokers. The sum of money that smokers have to pay extra is quite huge. That is why if you want to save up money on health insurance, you will have to quit smoking.