Health Insurance or Life insurance.. Which one gives you more assurance?

Life before death is more important to every individual. Therefore a beneficial healthcare plan is more important that life insurance policy.  

If life insurance is the’ rain’ then health insurance is the ‘clouds’. If life insurance is the ‘burger’ then health insurance is the ‘patty’.  The rain or burger provides monetary support to your nominees after your death. Whereas, the healthcare plan support us monetarily during the phases of medical emergency. Leaving apart these relevant yet simple bonding between the two types of insurances, what shook our interest is the best bang for our buck. Apart from the connection that has been tried to shown above, insuring your health is equally important as insuring your life. Rather, health insurance is more significant to lead a stress free healthy life before death knocks your door.
 Let’s see few points implying securing health with mediclaim is equally or more essential than life insurance.
·         Expensive treatment within your grasp help you fight with deadly diseases
·         Gives peace of mind and a healthy body which help you to live longer with quality
·         Huge tax benefits as you pay premium for mediclaim. Same goes for life insurance policy
·         Covering non- Allopathic treatments also like Homeopathy or Ayurveda
There are many more benefits that can be fetched from medical care plans. On a non-serious note; if people live longer, life insurance policies can also provide greater sum of money for each claims.